Anybody who had access to copying equipment could release a tape and publicise it in the network of fanzines and newsletters that existed around this scene, therefore cassette culture was an ideal and very democratic method for making available music that was never likely to have mainstream appeal. Arguably, such freedom led to a large output of a poor quality and self indulgent nature being foisted upon an unsuspecting world in the name of 'artistic creativity'. Yet on the other hand, many people saw cassette culture music as imaginative, challenging, beautiful and ground breaking, standing up more than adequately beside much output released through more 'conventional' channels. (From: www.knowledgerush.com)
Culture Shock was formed in 1986 after the break up of The Subhumans.
While a lot of bands at the time were becoming louder and faster, the lyrics buried behind a wall of noise, Culture shock pushed things in a different direction with ska rhythms and almost, dare I say pop aesthetic.
Side 1.
No Chance in a Million
Living History
Colour T.V.
Punks on Postcards
You are not Alone
If you don't like it
side 2.
Six foot rooms
Ten percent off
Culture shock- if you don't like it mp3
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